Thinking Like a Chef

By KP Mohanan, Madhav Kaushish and Tara Mohanan

Thinking Like a Chef

By KP Mohanan, Madhav Kaushish and Tara Mohanan

This post is part of a series. To see the rest of the series, click here.

In this episode, we are joined by Suvir Saran. Suvir is a Michelin starred chef for his restaurant Devi in New York. He has spent most of his career in the US before returning to India a few years ago.

Apart from being a chef, Suvir is a writer, a restauranteur, a farmer, on the advisory board of Brigham and Women's hospital at Harvard, amongst many other things. While this episode is focused on Thinking Like a Chef, many of Suvir's other avatars come up during the discussion. Parts of this episode, especially towards the end, are very personal and really give us a sense of who Suvir is. 

As you will see, there are many aspects of being a chef which generalize far outside that particular domain. Talking after the recording, Mohanan, Tara and I saw various connections between the discussion in this episode and the previous one - Thinking Like a Theoretical Linguist. If you have had the chance to listen to both of them, you might enjoy reflecting on the commonality between these apparently distinct domains.

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